Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 9: Book Trailers and Summary

Assignment 1:

Interesting articles about Book Trailers.

 Assignment 2:

Book trailers do not work for me personally. In fact, I usually avoid them. I recently watched a trailer for a terrific new teen novel, Fat Angie. I’m glad I didn’t watch it BEFORE I read it. I already had the characters in my head, what they looked like, how they sounded, dressed, etc. I don’t want to be swayed by someone else’s idea of a book’s cast. For that, I’d watch a book’s movie adaptation.

 At most, I may watch a book trailer for a title I’ve already read to find out more about the author. Or in the case of Gary Shteyngart or Mary Roach, I’d tune in for comedy-value alone.

However….book trailers DO work for some readers.

According to the NYT article, book trailers can work, especially among teen readers. When doing a basic search for book trailers, I noticed that the vast majority were for YA titles. They seem to be an effective marketing tool for certain demographics (and maybe certain types of books). I can see them being an effective online RA tool for teen readers. Perhaps a few hot new book trailers for upcoming YA titles could be embedded on our website or promoted through our Teen Facebook page.

Assignment 3

The Teen component was most helpful to me. I read Teen novels, but I don’t actively follow sites specifically devoted to Teen lit. I also enjoyed learning about the “New Adult” phenomenon.

The various subgenre websites were interesting. I like learning about what motivates readers to gravitate toward certain genres.

I would welcome something like this that would exclusively focus on children’s books.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 8: Nonfiction

 Assignment 1:

The articles gave a good overview

Assignment 2:

Podcast: nice breakdown of nonfiction. I didn’t see humor listed….humor is also very popular area in the Nonfiction Collection.

 Assignment 3:

·         Travel (900s): Paris I Love You but You’re Bringing Me Down by Rosecrans Baldwin

·         Food (600s): Naked Pint: An Unadulterated Guide to Craft Beer by Christina Perozzi

·         Crime (300s): Suspicions of Mr. Whicher: A Shocking Murder and the Undoing of a Great Victorian Detective by Kate Summer Scale

·         Medical (600s): Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry : Jon Ronson

Assignment 4:

Book Talk for Naked Pint:

Naked Pint is not just for “beer geeks.” It’s for anyone who has anywhere from a casual to obsessive interest in craft beer. Many other “beer books” take themselves way too seriously and are really just a boring list of different beer types. Naked Pint is like hanging out with your friends, having fun tasting different types of beer.  I’d recommend it to readers looking for a light, humorous read and extra bonus: you’ll become much smarter about beer in the process.

Excellent for readers looking for a fun travel/beach read.

Reasoning: it’s highly readable, entertaining and informative.

Book Talk for Suspicions of Mr. Whicher:

Suspicions of Mr. Whicher is pretty much like reading a page-turning historical mystery….except it’s all TRUE. At the heart of the story is the mystery of the Road Hill Mystery of 1860. It was a heinous crime, involving the murder of the child and up until the very end, you’re kept guessing on who might have killed the child. This crime took place right around the time when Scotland Yard was created, so you get the history of Scotland Yard and the public’s view of the Yard. Some saw them as “working class lads who did well.” Others saw them as “glorified rogues.” This case completely absorbed the public and went on to inspire detective fiction and so called sensation novels—what we would call mysteries.
Highly appealing to true crime readers who enjoy historical true crime but also major appeal for mystery readers and people who like “books about books.”

Reasoning: The subject matter and pacing would appeal to many mystery and historical fiction readers. I’ve known many readers who almost never read nonfiction but love this book.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Week 7

Week 7: Assignment 1:

Cool visual breakdown of various dystopian subgenres.

Week 7: Assignment 2:

New Adult: Needless Marketing-Speak Or Valued Subgenre? Publisher’s Weekly, Dec 14, 2012

So, “New Adult” is a new subgenre in YA fiction or just a marketing ploy (depending who you ask). Regardless it certainly has major appeal for many readers. The Goodreads New Adult Fiction group is up to over 2500 members! When scanning through titles labeled as “new adult” in Goodreads, I noticed most of them have fairly spicy covers. I wonder if significant sexual content is one of the primary qualifiers. It will be interesting to see how this new subgenre plays out.

Who's buying teen books? Lots and lots of adults

This article referenced the study that showed 55% of YA novels are being read by readers who are over 18. This article goes on to cite “gateway” YA novels for many adults, such as Hunger Games, Harry Potter or Twilight. For me, the Harry Potter series revealed the magic of children’s literature again. I didn’t get around to YA books until much later when someone convinced me to try Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. That was it for me.  I’ve been reading YA ever since.

I commented on the blogs of Maureen R. and Sandy L.

Week 7: Assignment 3

John Green’s Tumblr:

 I followed John Green’s Tumblr. John Green is the author; his readers (and general public) are the audience. Yes, it’s successful. It seems to be pretty rare that an author can have such a fervent following online. He’s been a major success in YA fiction for years, has a separate web presence that is not just about marketing his books. He is genuinely passionate about what he does. I like what he says about why he writes YA fiction:

“Writing novels takes a long time, and it’s completely impossible for me to do it unless I feel like the thing I’m working on is going to be helpful to people. Maybe to my discredit as a writer, I like to make stuff that is useful more than I like to make stuff that is beautiful. In short, I write because I share DFW’s belief that books can actually make human life better. For me, at least for the conceivable future, that means writing YA novels.”

Forever Young

 I also followed the Forever Young blog. Forever Young is part of the Badass Digest blog, a site devoted to “all the things movie lovers love.” I particularly enjoyed the content here. As the Forever Young blog states, it’s for “readers who are a little less Y and a bit more A.” This site does a good job of incorporating book and movie reviews with lighter fare – e.g. internet distractions and drinking games. Forever Young seems to be pretty successful, lots of interaction in the comments and “shares” on Facebook.

Week 7: Assignment 4
Looking at trends in the teen sites was interesting. There are many common elements out there, namely DYSTOPIAS and riffs on fairy tales. Also, angels seem to be a hot topic right now. Hmm.

Harper Teen Trends:

·         Greek mythology

·         Dystopias

·         Paranormal fiction


Teens/Penguin Young Readers Trends

·         Dystopias

·         Vampires

·         Fantastical creatures: angels, fairies


Teens at Random Trends:

·         Dystopias

·         Stories related to fairy tales, folklore

·         Paranormal fiction

·         Historical fiction